Being the "nice mom"
So the other night I had put Caleb to bed after our bedtime routine, bath, rocking, saying prayers, singing all 4 of our songs, drink of "super water" (which he has no clue is just regular ol run of the mill tap water) and then tucked into bed with kisses from momma and daddy. Ahh all is well with the world and now it's MY time.
Caleb didn't get that memo! So after the usual "momma I gotta go poo poo" up and to the potty (which I would complain about but hey, he actually goes and its in the potty and not in his pants... I'm good with that) then came the "momma I gotta go pee pee" not that he couldn't have done that while sitting down to poop but by this time it was just WHATEVER!! Back to bed all tucked in with his brown bear and beepy and off to La La Land! WRONG again!
This is where I would normally yell at him and threaten bodily harm if he does not get quiet, get still and GO TO SLEEP, but on this night I thought ok, I'll play the good mom and see how well this works for once...
I go into his room and he is laying in his bed (which was a good sign, I figured with all the noise that was coming out of there, he had to be trying to swing from his ceiling fan and stick a 10.0 landing for the judges) but as soon as he sees me he sticks both hands and what ever it was he was playing with under the covers. Still I lean down give him a kiss on the forehead and say "give me what you are playing with, it is time to go to sleep and not time to play" (mission accomplished nice mom I thought as I patted myself on the back with one hand and held the other out to collect the toy I knew he had under those covers). Caleb just gets this blank look on his face and then reaches over and drops something into my hand, smiles and says "here ya go momma, if you really want my boogie it's all yours"!!!
DAMN that nice mom! Fits of hysterical laughter ensued, I mean so hard that I thought I might just pee my pants and to make matters even worse I just couldn't wait till I had left his room to start laughing no... I just had to bust out right there bent over beside his bed, so then he was laughing too!! And it was one of those oh so hard belly laughs that just make moms laugh anyway!
I love my life, and that little heathen is the best thing God ever gave Danny and I (even though on any given day I'd tell ya differently)!
Caleb didn't get that memo! So after the usual "momma I gotta go poo poo" up and to the potty (which I would complain about but hey, he actually goes and its in the potty and not in his pants... I'm good with that) then came the "momma I gotta go pee pee" not that he couldn't have done that while sitting down to poop but by this time it was just WHATEVER!! Back to bed all tucked in with his brown bear and beepy and off to La La Land! WRONG again!
This is where I would normally yell at him and threaten bodily harm if he does not get quiet, get still and GO TO SLEEP, but on this night I thought ok, I'll play the good mom and see how well this works for once...
I go into his room and he is laying in his bed (which was a good sign, I figured with all the noise that was coming out of there, he had to be trying to swing from his ceiling fan and stick a 10.0 landing for the judges) but as soon as he sees me he sticks both hands and what ever it was he was playing with under the covers. Still I lean down give him a kiss on the forehead and say "give me what you are playing with, it is time to go to sleep and not time to play" (mission accomplished nice mom I thought as I patted myself on the back with one hand and held the other out to collect the toy I knew he had under those covers). Caleb just gets this blank look on his face and then reaches over and drops something into my hand, smiles and says "here ya go momma, if you really want my boogie it's all yours"!!!
DAMN that nice mom! Fits of hysterical laughter ensued, I mean so hard that I thought I might just pee my pants and to make matters even worse I just couldn't wait till I had left his room to start laughing no... I just had to bust out right there bent over beside his bed, so then he was laughing too!! And it was one of those oh so hard belly laughs that just make moms laugh anyway!
I love my life, and that little heathen is the best thing God ever gave Danny and I (even though on any given day I'd tell ya differently)!
That's love when a child gives his mom his treasured boogie.
Thanks for stopping by! I just started blogging about a month and a half ago. And I might just take you up on your offer if they don't move soon!
There is NOTHING like the kind of laugh where you just might pee your pants. NOTHING!!
I will SO be back to read about your adventures. :-)
What a nice gift! lol. Thanks for coming by my blog today, I like yours, too.
Oh what a cute, funny story.
That is hilarious! I would have laughed too... darn those kids getcha when you are trying to be serious! Oh and I think of Arkansas much differently than I used to after two of my bloggers on Blog Around the World gave us a tour last month. Just wanted to thank you for stopping by and letting you know you are all linked up!
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