Saturday, November 22, 2008

I'd like to thank that academy

Yeah that's right... I got an award!! I'm still on cloud 9!! I cannot believe it, after 40 + posts an award all my own! See

I have to thank for bestowing upon me my very first award! I love your blog, for those of us like me who are new to this it's nice to have some love.

Now on to some news, I hurt... not like oh no I have a boo-boo but like as in the body that I woke up in this morning is not mine, but that of an 80 year old woman with sever arthritis!! And why do I hurt so bad you ask? (and if you have to ask you have obviously been living under a rock and not following my blog like a good worshiper SHAME ON YOU)

On our last stop of what was an AWFUL Friday, this tag team duo (me and hubby)went to Fed-Ex Kinko's to pick up all of the stuff that was dropped off there and call it a night.

Have I mentioned that with Fed-Ex there is the unwritten (or heck maybe it's written I've never looked) rule that any given driver is supposed to be able to pick up, up to 50 lbs. (with no help, anything over 50 lbs and who ever is shipping it is supposed to have to help, that is to say if there are present when we go to pick it up HA) Easy you say.... yeah well not when 50 lbs is exactly half of your body weight. (Shut up, I'm skinny and I don't give a rats ass what you say, this time of the year it is a direct disadvantage for me... I FREEZE my ass ALL of the time)

We've always known that 50 lbs was a stretch for me but I had yet to be tested (and unbeknownced to me Danny was having doubts.... the nerve) So we get there last night and have the truck almost totally loaded when low and behold my strength is put to the test.

Let me just say that I rocked the shit out of that 60 lbs box with the dolly all the way out to the truck, but that was only half the battle! Danny was waiting at the truck and watched in amazement as I split a vein in my forehead, pulled some inner "I'm one bad bitch" attitude and was able to lift that box right into the back of the truck no questions asked!!

Yeah that's right I did it, what do you have to say about it???

I did it and now this morning I'm paying for it! I hurt in places I didn't even know were connected to muscle!!! I think I may have broken my cooter bone, my back was for sure stripped of any muscle, tendon and/or ligament that was ever once connected to it, my right arm may have been rendered useless for the rest of my days here on earth and my shins well they are a story for a whole nother time (Think I will breath ONE word of how bad I hurt to my husband ..... NOT ON YOUR LIFE) Yeah I'll teach him to doubt me, in my silent shrieks of pain and slow death all weekend long!!


Blogger Paul Eilers said...

Growing old sure is painful.

Yesterday, my fifteen year old and I took my 20 month old son, Brady, to the nearby park. We had to keep him occupied on the playground while Mommy decorated the Christmas tree.

(I protested putting up the tree so early, but my wife had volunteered to host Thanksgiving for her entire side of the family, and she wanted to decorate the house for the main event. I just do as I'm told.)

Anyway, while out on the playground, I challenged our 15 year old to some tests of strength on the monkey bars. Dylan plays center on the varsity football team, is 6'2 and weighs 230 lbs. I am always trying to motivate him to want to do better on the field and in the classroom.

Anway, just like yourself, I woke up this morning SORE. My upper back muscles are killing me!

But when Dylan came strutting into the kitchen, I smiled at him and said not a word...

P.S. Krissi, since you like some of my posts on All Arkie Army, I thought you might like to check out our new political blog.

November 22, 2008 at 2:30 PM  
Blogger Twenty Four At Heart said...

Congratulations on your first award!

November 24, 2008 at 12:22 AM  

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