Monday, April 6, 2009

There's always one in the crowd

Saturday night I had a first.... it's been a long time since I've had a "first" anything that is unless you count almost every day as a mom, Caleb never lets me down when it comes to first times to do things, I digress back to the point here. Danny and I went to watch a MMA (mixed martial arts) fight and it was awesome!! I've never witnessed a fight in real life before, sure, sure I've seen them on TV random boxing matches here and there but to be there in the crowd and to be a part of it all, well it was exhilarating to say the least.

We went to support a guy that we work with at Fed-Ex, who was fighting for the title in his weight division and I am more than happy to report that he actually won his fight! The last fight he fought in he broke the guys jaw (brutal I know) and in Saturday nights fight he broke the guys thumb...... remind me not to piss this guy off!

None the less, Derek's fight was the final fight of the night which meant that we had to sit thru about 5 other fights to get to his. Sitting thru the other fights helped me to get used to all the tactics that are used, the blood and the down right carnage of it all so needless to say by the time his fight was announced I was pumped and ready to cheer. Some of you who read my blog may remember me in high school, some of you may have even had the unfortunate experience of sitting within a 2 mile radius of me at a few Friday night Bearcat Football games (ha bet that didn't happen 2 weeks in a row) and let me be the first to apologize for any and all hearing loss I may have caused, I tend to get a little loud and a little proud when it comes to sports and in high school I was cheering for one of two people Danny (my now husband) or my brother so really I shouldn't have to apologize!

So here I am screaming like I've got a pair (along with SEVERAL others I might add) when I realize that this red headed hussy about two rows down from us keeps sticking her fingers in her ears every time I open my big mouth. This would be a good time to tell you that there are 3 rounds to a fight and each round lasts 5 minutes (lucky for her Derek's only went a full two rounds), and when there is someone that you know in that ring either A) beating the crap outta the other guy or B) is getting the crap beat outta him by said other guy...... well what can I say the adrenaline kicks in and gets the best of you!

So any thought of "tuning it down" was just that.... a fleeting thought! Needless to say she wasn't happy with just putting her fat fingers in her ears she ends up turning to her boyfriend (read dealer/pimp) and starts whining about my yelling, I freakin lost it, maybe it was all the blood shed I'd already witnessed, maybe it was the fumes of testosterone wafting in the air but there was NO way I was going to sit there and keep my mouth shut.

Round two started and there I was screaming one minute, chugging the Dr. Pepper the next because it would seem that my screaming was a little outta practice... none the less Derek has this other guy pinned down and it just repeatedly hitting him in the face, over and over and over and over again and the crowd was FREAKING.WILD. Well all the crowd except for her and wouldn't you guess it shes still complaining about my screaming, when finally I've had enough, I turn to her and say (maybe scream at this point I really can't be held responsible for my own actions, I was a little lost in the moment)

"If you don't like it, your ass isn't chained to that bleacher, MOVE"

(eye roll from snotty read headed bitch)

Then I got really old school on her... she just thought I was loud before, ha she hadn't seen anything yet!!!

Sunday morning I woke up and could hardly speak and while I would love to think it was because I was so proud of Derek winning his fight, I know better.... it's because I was trying to be the bigger bitch and out do even myself with an amount of volume that I'm pretty sure would have shattered windows, had there been any windows in that arena!

Did I mention that he is fighting again in June.... plenty of time between now and June to drink some hot tea, regain my voice, burn the image of her face into my brain and so help me I'm gonna sit RIGHT.SMACK.DAB behind her again if it kills me!!!

I mean am I wrong here, who goes to any kind of sporting event and then whines about the volume? I guess there's always one in the crowd!!!


Blogger Kirby said...

Nope your right there always that one that should ahve kept there asses at home!

April 6, 2009 at 10:15 AM  
Blogger Cristin said...

That's a riot! I would have wanted to scream louder too just to piss her off more...

April 7, 2009 at 12:07 PM  
Blogger Crystal Renee said...

Love it. Hilarious and she deserved it. No, you don't take your fat fingered arse into a place that there is destined to be a loud noise. Needless to say, you weren't the only one, so who cares. DO IT! Love the blog. I am Crystal btw @!

April 8, 2009 at 2:14 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

are you my long lost sister? i would have done/said the exact thing.

our poor husbands, :)

April 23, 2009 at 11:10 AM  

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