Friday, April 3, 2009

Waiter... There's some Dumbass in my Democracy

Ok I've tried, honestly I have, I tried to keep my mouth shut since all of this bail out crap hit the fan and to be honest I think I've done damn good thus far (that is unless your my mother, in which case I think she's seen my head spin around a full 180 and heard the f-bomb come outta my mouth more than a few times these last few weeks).

I have had it!

I am sick to death with the current administration spending MY tax dollars faster than they can bill me for more!

I'm sick of bailing out the auto industry

I'm sick of bailing out the banks

I'm sick of hearing "how AWFUL Wall St. did today and what ever will it do tomorrow"

I'm sick of the federal government now offering to cover the warranties for the failing auto companies (with my tax dollars you better believe it)

I'm sick of the answer to EVERY effing problem being spend, spend, spend!

I'm sick of Tim Geithner (who by the way is a TOTAL waste of space, but that's just my opinion)

I'm sick of Nancy Pelossi

I'm sick of Congress

I'm sick of the Senate

I'm sick of seeing that a lot (not all but a lot) of Obama's cabinet appointments have not paid some or all of their taxes (you better believe if it were you or me we'd be in jail by now, or at least on the street with nothing to our names)

I freakin HATE (and yes I am aware that's a strong word) Nancy Pelossi

I hate the fear tactics that the current administration is using to get bills passed into laws without having done their homework or hell without even having read the damn bill from start to finish (24 hours to ram thru that HUGE stimulus bill, 24 freakin hours and while we are on this subject can we chalk up one lie to Obama for this right here. He made a campaign promise to the people to let each and every bill that came his way sit on his desk (and have a copy on line for each of us to read) for 5 days before he would sign it in't legislation! Humm 24 hrs ='s 5 days ..... dumbass)

I'm sick of the power grab that has become the Office of the President of the United States

I'm sick of seeing people overstep their responsibilities/constitutional boundaries/job titles and do what ever the hell they want to do ! And who's gonna hold them responsible? (fire company executives, demand bonuses be returned and give out personal information of company executives so that hoards of people can stand on their front lawns while screaming death threats upon their families and scaring their children)

Did I mention that Tim Geithner is a total dumbass, I fear that it may be contagious to those around him on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis.... seriously idiot I swear!

We all know that Obama ran on the platform of "Change" but lets be honest... is this really the kind of change we need in this country? Do you really want your children to inherit trillions upon trillions of debt because we let this administration run buck wild and spend like it's going outta style?

I don't believe this is a Democrat vs Republican issue, I certainly don't believe it's a Black vs White issue, It's not a Right wing vs Left wing issue, what it is boils down to is a right vs wrong issue! And last time I checked right vs wrong is a bipartisan issue!!

Now we have the G20 summit where Obama is going to try to talk other countries into doing just what he has to "stimulate the economy" and you know what... they are all laughing their asses off at what once was the strongest powerhouse of all of the countries in the world, you know the country they used to respect (or at least pretend to) the one that actually had things that were worthy of being respected. We have China on one hand warning us that we don't want to spend so much, because HELLO they own a majority of our debt, and has Obama even stopped to think what would happen if they all of a sudden (due to the poor economic conditions no doubt) decided to quit buying up all of our debt? Yeah you think things are bad now...

Then there is England who has point blank told us, you DO NOT WANT TO BECOME A SOCIALIST economy because hello folks that's what they are and it doesn't work!! Nicholas Sarkozy was quoted as saying "Obama is taking that country to hell" is he the only one who's got a pair big enough to say such things? But if you ask me (which you didn't but I'm gonna tell ya anyway) that is exactly where we are headed with all of this MORE GOVERNMENT, BIG GOVERNMENT attitude!

Hell is there anything Obama thinks can't be fixed by increasing the size of the Government? I just heard last night that now his cabinet has decided to put a "Recession Depression" website up to help those of us who are "rather stressed by the current economic situation" (I'm beginning to think I should have saved this post for my "F-U Friday post, in fact I think I will). Perhaps I will just give them a little ring and see if I can possibly get a little bail out of my own!

You all know that I didn't vote for this, I voted for John McCain. Yes, yes I was bitter for a while that my candidate lost, seeing as how that had never happened to me before it took me a little getting used to the fact that I actually didn't get my way, obviously the American majority weren't made aware of the fact that Momma ALWAYS gets her way. I cried about it for a while, tried to wrap my mind around it and tried to move on with some cautious optimism (ok maybe I wouldn't go that far)... but (and here's where the F you part comes in) F you President Obama for making "moving on" impossible for me. F you President Obama for appointing a bunch of tax cheating crooks to some of the most powerful jobs in this country. F you President Obama for going ape shit and spending millions, nope scratch that, TRILLIONS of hard working tax payers money on some sketchy (at best) plans to stimulate the economy thus leaving my child and my child's children FOREVER in debt that they will NEVER be able to repay. F you Nancy Pelossi for being such a power hungry bitch. F you Tim Geithner for being such an idiot, a tax cheat and a total liar. Oh and F you again Obama for breaking campaign promises left and right since taking office 74 days ago, once a politician always a politician right???

If this is the "change" that everyone who voted for him was looking for, perhaps you should have all just packed up and moved to England I hear they already practice socialism there, and FYI I hear it's not working out so well for them!!

(Please forgive the fact that this post is a bit of a rambling mess, it's just that there is so much that I've left out and so much more that I needed to say, but for times sake and well the fact that I really don't want death threats I felt it necessary to cut this a bit shorter than I had planned mmmmkay)


Blogger Funky Kim said...


You going to your local tea party on the 15th?

April 3, 2009 at 9:37 AM  
Blogger Tiffany T said...

Krissi - I have always enjoyed your post, and I may not agree with everything you've said, but I absolutely agree with you that anyone who believes that socialism is the answer is seriously delusional. But what I find most ironic is that those who claim to want socialism really don't. They want to be on the receiving end of free stuff or have OTHERS be forced to give their stuff away! These people don't understand that in order to have a Utopian society, they would have to be willing to give equal shares of what they possess to strangers and NOT to their children. Can you imagine? A society that takes your earnings and resources and divides it out to random people rather than allowing you to give to your own family - your own CHILDREN, for crying out loud?! The main problem is that people don't think. They don't WANT to think. They just want someone to tell them what the "right" thing to do is, so they can sleep easily at night. Well, as Goldie Hawn said in "Protocol" I'm watching all of them... like a hawk.

April 3, 2009 at 11:10 AM  
Blogger Ariel said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

April 3, 2009 at 12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah, Krissi, I've been waiting for this post. you have done an awesome job of keeping your mouth shut for 74 days :) I'm so not getting into this because, well, I've been busy with my own shit and I don't know what the hell is going on. I do know that bailing out the auto industry irritates me. like you said, where's my bailout?

you were expecting more from me, weren't you? :)

April 3, 2009 at 12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this blogger might be your sister or something. I bet you two would get along swimmingly.
No, I'm being serious, not being a smart ass. Go take a look!

April 3, 2009 at 4:29 PM  
Blogger Krissi said...

In order...
Thanks Kim :) Nice to know I'm not the only one who's not SO IN LOVE with the new President and all his wayward staff! I'm still toying with the idea of going to, what I hear is going to be a HUGE Tax Day Tea Party down in Fayetteville??? Not sure if they can take all that I have to say though!

Tiffany you and I and our ideas of socialism ... I think we should be in Washington. Maybe we could fix a few things for us all!

Areial... big girl panties... check! I apoloigize for getting a few facts wrong and DAMN you did a great job on your fact checking (read witch hunt but I'm being a big girl about it :) but the point I was trying to make is still the same, this "Big Spending" "Big Government" has got to stop! Just yesterday they passed Obama's budget with NO support what so ever from a single Republican, John McCain in a bipartisan effort came up with a perfectly logical, allbeit much SMALLER budget and it was not even considered by my BFF that old bag Nancy Pelosi! I'm just fed up with the whole shit hole that has become Washington...

Sissy...Sissy, Sissy, Sissy... what do I even say here? As I hit that "Publish" button I waited, and waited and waited (no seriously I checked my email at least every 5 minutes no kidding) for your comment and then to get this... well to say let down is the nicest thing I can think of... more like crushed! I just knew I would get more of a fight outta ya. However I do realize that just maybe you've had your hands a little full with the move and all, so since this is the case I'm sure you can expect me to post more about my most utter dislike for the current administration. I mean hell I didn't even touch on the teleprompter issue or the fact that Captin Dumb Ass can't pick out a gift to save his life, so I'll save that for a whole nother (much lighter and more comical) issue of my never ending Govnt rants!! Oh and thanks for the new blog... now I'm hooked!!

April 4, 2009 at 9:37 AM  
Blogger Nic said...

Amen sister! I couldn't have said it better!

April 6, 2009 at 6:54 AM  
Blogger April said...

AMEN, AMEN,& AMEN again!!!!

April 6, 2009 at 4:56 PM  

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