Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Just a bit much

Yesterday we hit a whopping 20 degrees, factor in a wind chill and we sat on or about 6 effin degrees ALL.FREAKIN.DAY!!! So here is my rant to good ol mother nature

Dearest Ice Queen,

First let me start by saying thanks for the freezing rain, the sleet and the ice and please note that this sentence was written with just a dab of sarcasm!! 6 degrees is a great name for a TV show, NOT such a great thing when my skinny butt's gotta get out and work in it mmm kay!

Lets get one thing straight, I do not enjoy cold and I certainly do not enjoy one degree below freezing my ass, my face and my little boobies right smack dab off my body!! If I have to hear one more person say "honey you should have some gloves on" I swear on everything that is WARM I cannot be held accountable when I reply by asking if they would like me to preform their next physical right then and there in the back of my Fed-Ex truck... man or woman!!

I do not enjoy shaking so hard from the cold that every muscle in my entire body hurts the next day, I mean come on have you not read my blog before??? I have a new job, one that is more than good at making me HURT everywhere.... I really don't need any additional reasons to want to OD on pain killers. I had 4 shirts and 3 pairs of pants on plus 2 pairs of socks I looked like Ralphy from that movie "A Christmas Story" and still managed to no more than get the door to the truck open before I started to shake uncontrollably.... it's just a bit excessive to be this damn cold.

Also while I'm at it, I thought I might mention the fact that I do not like to drive on ice... strike that... I do not like to slide on ice while attempting to drive. It's really just a little scary when I am driving, shall we say, a big ass truck at a very LOW rate of speed and even still cannot seem to make it stop where I want it to. Yesterday I can count on one hand how many times that heap of shit stopped where it needed to, however I cannot count the number of times where I almost needed another set of 3 pairs of pants that were CLEAN because it didn't!!

So if you could, oh I don't know, maybe warm it up just a hair out there, take the ice, sleet and snow and send that crap up north WHERE IT BELONGS for the winter and leave us with just a mild sorta chilly winter that would be peachy just freakin peachy!! Kaapeesch!

Chattering teeth and all,



Blogger Jen said...

Amen! I am right there with you and today/tonight we are suppose to get hit with 3 winter storms, 3!!! WTF!!!

December 16, 2008 at 1:36 PM  
Blogger ~Ronda~ said...

Hilarious, ya know, I never quite thought about it that way, lol. Still snickering to myself...ya know, they say, that we have a long hard winter ahead....be forewarned, lol...

December 16, 2008 at 4:25 PM  
Blogger ~aj~ said...

Now I'm starting to feel a little bad about wishing for more snow. lol

I cannot even imagine how miserable it must be to be out in it all day long. Maybe you should just eat cookies all day long and try to build up some warm fat reserves. Seems to keep my butt warm, just fine!

December 16, 2008 at 6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously Write a Book and Please let me know when you do. I will totally buy it! Really stay at home and work....u don't even have to try!

December 18, 2008 at 8:28 AM  

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