It's Not Wednesday but....

Here is a picture from our Mother's Day weekend camping/hiking trip to Devil's Den State Park!
Let it be said that I enjoy camping, however, I do not enjoy camping in the threat of a tornado! Friday night we set up our tent (scratch that our BRAND NEW tent) while in a Tornado Warning, and all went well right up until it started to rain and then to pour and then, yup you guessed it... our brand freakin new tent started to leak. I was awake all night, Danny was pretty much awake all night and Caleb, well my little caming trooper slept right thru the thick of the storm never mind the lightening and the thunder he snoozed like there was no tomorrow!
Also as just a small side note, our air matress leaked so on Saturday morning we put a patch on it and thought we had it fixed... good as new right! WRONG!!! Air matress went in campground trash before we pulled up camp on Sunday morning! Piece of shit!!
The weekend was great, we had some really great weather to hike in on Sunday and all of the kiddo's loved the caves and the bats in the caves (seriously there were a lot of bats in the caves, kinda freaked me out). All in all the weekend was wonderful, just as long as you factor out the whole sleeping, or rather the lack there of!
We are now looking for a pop up camper!! This momma's not really the "tent type"!