Totally R-O-T-T-E-N
Tell me I don't have one of the most rotten kid's in the world....
This little jewel now adorns our entire back yard! And as my husband so sadly put it, when checking out of Sam's with all 800 lbs of this play set "there goes my dream TV" what a good daddy to opt to spend the money of a play set for his rotten boy (which by the way is an early birthday present for the little booger, not a "just cause your special and rotten and spoiled" gift).
At any rate aside from the directions saying "will take two moderately skilled persons 20 to 24 hours to assemble" which totally made me laugh my ass off! It took Danny and my dad all weekend and after my folks left it took Danny and I another 3 days of working from the time we both got home from work till bed to finally get it all done!
Let me just tell you, this play set is by far the best decision we have made thus far as parents! Caleb loves it! Hell we love it, it keeps him totally occupied, throw in 500 lbs of sand in the sand box and I swear I have to stop, look around at all the toys that are in the middle of the living room floor and remind myself that I do in fact still have a child!
So here's to you Caleb.... Happy (really early) Birthday!!