Inquiring Minds want to know...
*What was your reaction when you found out you were pregnant (submitted by Jen)*
I still have the pregnancy test (which when you think about it is kinda gross, I mean after all it's almost 4 year old urine on a stick) none the less I was beyond elated... we tried for years on end to get pregnant by EVERY means possible and wham bam thank you mam... finally I got what I had prayed, waited, wanted and wished for all at once.
*Why did you name your son Caleb (submitted by Jonnie)*
To be honest Danny and I had always had a girls name picked out, not sure why we never thought of a boys name! When I went for my umpteenth ultra sound and found out that "it" was going to be a boy and not a girl I bought every baby name book imaginable and we seriously sat down and went thru about 44,000 names. The ONLY name we could agree on was Caleb... and here we are almost 4 years later with our sweet little Caleb William (William was my grandfathers name and my due date (which I didn't come close to) was exactly 3 years to the day that my grandfather passed away, so William was decided for us and a great way to honor my grandfathers memory)
*What is your favorite thing to do with Caleb (submitted by AJ)*
By far our favorite thing to do together is to go to Jump Zone! If you have never been to this place or one like it I highly recommend it... we always have SOOOOO much fun and leave there completely exhausted and ready for a nap (my second favorite thing to do sleep...)
*Do you think you will cry when Caleb goes to school (submitted by Jonnie, this is the last Caleb question I promise)*
Honestly I don't know, I remember crying the first day I had to take him to daycare when I went back to work after my maternity leave but back then he was so new and so little and things were so new to me! I'd like to say that if I do cry it will be happy tears, that he is starting a new phase in his life one where he will make many friends and learn so much about himself... and that I won't be sad that he is growing up too fast but honestly I just don't know!
*What is your favorite color and why (Jen again)*
YELLOW is my favorite color! Believe it or not! I love that it's so bright and so warm, it makes me think of spring and summer and all of the great outdoors!
*Do you have any pets (Jonnie)*
We have one really fat, really spoiled, really neglected cat! Her name is Kitty (yes I know how original) and she and Caleb have a love/hate relationship... sometimes she loves him and sometimes she hates him, I mean after all he moved into her house and took over and now he gets all of her attention!
*What is the last book you read (AJ)*
The 10th Circle by Jodi Picoult... I've read all but one of her books and loved each and every one of them. Funny thing is I always thought I hated to read, you know like in school one time I talked Danny into reading me a book for a book report just so I didn't have to read it myself! Turns out I just hated being told what I had to read..... now there is nothing better than a nice hot bath and a good book to wrap up a long day!
*If you could eat anything for a week straight what would it be (Jen)*
Hands down, didn't even have to think about this question.... if I had to eat just one thing for a week it would be my mothers chicken fried steak (and all the fixin's of course which include mashed potatoes, gravy and sweet green peas... ahhh man now I'm hungry)
*Where did you and Danny have your first date (AJ)*
Leave it to you AJ to make me feel bad that I can't remember for the life of me where we had our first date, but in my own defense our first date was more than 15 years ago (uggg now look what you've done... you've managed to make me feel old too, dad-gum-it!!!)
*What is your favorite memory from your childhood (Jonnie)*
This one I've had to do some thinking on... I would have to say that any and all of my favorite memories from my childhood all include family! We were always big on family get togethers and seeing as how my mom was one of 8 children we always had LARGE family get togethers. I will say that some of the happiest memories from my childhood are from the summers my brother and I would spend in Colorado with my grandparents at their cabin! That place holds sooo many special memories for all of our family.
*What is your favorite kind of chip (AJ)*
Sour Cream and Onion even though they give a girl some rank breath! I love me some sour cream and onion chips (as a side note, I seem to have passed this love on to Caleb).
*Why is your word verification on (Jen)*
To be honest I have no idea how to turn it off... (a little secret here, I'm really ignorant when it comes to all this blogging stuff... I didn't even know it was on.... and to take it a step further I wasn't sure exactly what you were talking about so I googled it... LOL I know... I'm an idiot).
*What is the furthest you have traveled (AJ)*
Canada sadly holds this honor.... and let me just tell you DO.NOT.GO.TO.CANADA. or at least if you should happen to get the itch to go to Canada do not go to Montreal (or any of the French speaking parts of Canada, they are all just a bunch of assholes who HATE people that speak English and will give you the WRONG directions just to get you lost TRUE STORY)still a bit bitter about that whole trip, you know cause we were lost for 4 hours in crack freakin central!!!
*Are your toenails painted, if so what color (AJ)*
This one is gonna really trip you out... once upon a time I tried to be a "girly" girl, I would actually paint my fingernails (back before I started biting them all off down to the bloody nubs) and change the colors to try to coordinate with my outfits... damn I was good! Then well I'm not quite sure if laziness is the right excuse but lets just say I fell out of love with being a "girly" girl and decided that who the heck cares what color my toes are, so to make a long story short I have a few flecks of bright red fingernail polish left on my big toe toenails that I've just been too lazy to take off for about the last 6 months or so (gross I know... it's really disgusting and I think all of the time, "I really need to just sit down and get some polish remover and take the rest of this crap off" but never end up doing it)
And last but not least
*If you could have any kind of party, what would it be (Jen)*
I love formal wear, I honestly think there is nothing better than having your hair done and make up on and putting on a dress that makes you feel B*E*A*U*T*I*F*U*L! Now having said that I cannot tell you the last time I had any reason to wear a formal dress (I'm assuming that it was prom my Sr. year in high school) but Danny and I always talk about going on a cruise and I dream of finding the perfect formal to take with us often! So if I could have any kind of party I wanted it would be a very formal perhaps black tie party where everyone came in their most beautiful dresses and all the men were in Tux's or at least suits and ties!! Ahhh
Well that's it folks... and now it's time for this formal wear dreaming girl to go dawn her most beautiful Fed-Ex uniform and get ready to sweat! And you wonder why I lost that "girly girl" feeling!!